Now is the time to get MOVING!
We now know that moderate amounts of physical activity are essential for good health, and yet only 40% of our population are regularly physically active. Active living is a way of living in which people in Douglas County can build in at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days of the week.
With today’s hectic schedule, it can be difficult to adopt new habits. However, incorporating activity into daily lifestyles is a habit worth the effort. It is important to remember that you can start out slowly and work your way up to a higher level of activity. With a little creativity and planning, even the person with the busiest schedule can and need to make room for physical activity. For many folks, before or after work or meals is often an available time to cycle, walk, or play. Take a look at your daily routine and look for or make opportunities to be more active. In this section, there are suggestions to help you begin making activity part of you and/or your family’s daily life.
The organisation recognizes people in 3 categories.